Easy rehairing system
No need to throw away your old bow. P&H bows are designed to allow you to change the hair yourself.

Rehair your bow at home
When the hair on your P&H bow is showing signs of wear or becoming a little thin, don’t throw your bow away and buy another, just rehair it following our easy instructions.

Why rehair your bow?
The hair of the bow eventually wears out, breaks and becomes detached and all bows need to be re-haired at some stage. Traditional wooden bows and other composite bows are rehaired by removing the wooden wedges that hold the hair in place. A new ‘hank’ of hair is then made to suit and the wedges are recut and replaced. This is a skilled process and due to the cost many economically priced wooden bows are never rehaired; they are simply discarded in place of a new purchase.
P&H bows are designed to allow the player to change the hair on their bow themselves – just as they would change a string. Our patented rehairing system allows an untrained person to replace the hair in minutes without making wooden wedges or hanks of hair.
We use high quality white horse hair on all of our bows and replacement hanks. We only use unbleached horse hair as we find that bleaching weakens the hair. The hair mainly comes from Mongolia and Siberia and it is sorted by hand to maintain the best quality strands.